Services & Pricing

  • Full Blonding Color: $290+

    Partial Blonding color: $250+

    Toner & Blowout: $120

    Root shadow & Glaze included in price.

    Extra color ($15/bowl)

  • Lash lift and tint: $95

    Lash Extension Full sets: $200- $280

    Lash Extension Fills: $85-105

Partial lightening color

A partial head of foils to create your desired look using lightening services with toner & root shadow included as needed. Any extra bowls of color is $15/each.

Full lightening Color

A full head of foils to create your desired look using lightening services with toner & root shadow included as needed. Any extra bowls of color is $15/each.

Lash Lift & tints

This service is a semi-permanent treatment that leaves you with perfectly curled lashes for 6-8 weeks. Along with the lift is a tint that will tint your lashes darker and appear healthier with more shine.

Full Set of lashes

This service is the semi-permanent application of lash extensions. Completely customizable to your style. Classic being most natural, Hybrid being more whispy and volume is multiple lash fans.

Lash extension fills

Lash fills are the maintenence appointments for after the full set. These appointments are required ever 2-3 weeks and you are able to adjust styles via curl, diameter and length.